Your flexible solutions

Snaga Solutions is your trusted partner for software development needs.

Our team's extensive software development experience allows us to deliver highly complex chip-to-cloud projects. With us, you'll get long-term relationships, pleasant collaboration and tangible results.

We can be like water that adapts to the contours of a bottle or glass, or like ice — firm and solid, shaping the landscapes of your digital products. Whatever your needs are, we mold ourselves to fit them perfectly.


Solutions that deliver results

Choose one of our ready made offerings or let’s build a unique reflection of your needs.

Web Development

We offer full cycle design and engineering services for stunning web applications.

Whether you need to create a new product from scratch, replatform or migrate an existing one, enhance its functionality, or maintain and support it, we have you covered.

We work with all modern frameworks (Angular, React, Vue, Node, Django), programming languages (JavaScript, Python, Java) and clouds (AWS, GCP, Azure).

Let us help you bring your web based products to life.

Mobile Development

Mobile application can be your primary platform for interaction with the end user. Therefore it is vital to choose the right technology and approach that will fit your needs.

We have strong expertise in delivering all types of mobile applications:

  • Native iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin) technology for functionally rich applications, delivering the most comfortable user experience
  • Hybrid and cross-platform App for cost effective solutions built using Flutter and Dart that share the same code base and are easy to support
  • Efficient Progressive Web Apps tailored specifically for your business and based on Cordova or Capacitor frameworks.

Harness the power of mobile technology with innovative and user-friendly applications that will improve your brand's outreach.

Cross-platform development

We have a special know-how of making web applications run like native apps on iOS and Android devices.

This will save you time, money and ensure high quality. We can build you a new web app that is mobile friendly or adapt your current code for wrapping and publishing to Apple PlayStore and Android PlayMarket.

With our service, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: web and mobile.

Software QA & Testing

At Snaga we have tremendous experience in SW Quality Assurance and Quality Control and knowledge of industry leading best practices.

Test automation can dramatically reduce regression cycles, but requires significant investment upfront. We can tailor the most cost-efficient solution for you, whether it is a custom test automation framework for your complex system or off-the-shelf solution for your user facing apps.

Also we provide quality processes advisory and transformational services.

Technical Support

Looking for a service based (part-time) or a dedicated (full-time) technical support team? Or need to track down and solve some complicated field issues?Our technical support service team will be happy to take over all technical maintenance activities of your products, release you from the burden of daily support and let you focus on developing your business instead of drowning in support.

Our support processes are built to continually improve quality and maintainability of your products helping you to decrease operational spending and improve end-user experience.

UI/UX Design

At Snaga Solutions, we believe in Pragmatic and User-centered design. To succeed on the market, your software UX should be focusing on the end user, solving his needs in an efficient way, being intuitive and attractive.

We are offering full cycle of UX/UI Design services:

  • Collecting context and doing research
  • Analysis, personas and journey mapping
  • Building concepts and prototyping
  • Creating wireframes and visuals
  • Preparing clickable demos and UI mockups

Create exceptional user experiences and captivating interfaces that leave a lasting impression.

Case Studies

Snaga Solutions in action

Our real-world impact.

Air Booking Service web and mobile application development

Client is a leading air tickets search and booking company that operates in number of countries in Europe, Middle East and South America.

On a journey to introduce a new product for North American market they sought were looking for a reliable partner to handle all aspects of Software Engineering, encompassing web application development and testing.

Our team built a smart one-page app using Vue.js. It uses responsive UI approach in order to be fully compatible with mobile browsers. The app supports localisation and has cool features like a dark mode.

For the mobile app, we recommended using a cross-platform framework Cordova. This tool allowed us to reuse 95% of the web app's code, making future updates much easier (all changes can be done at once).

After a successful POC, our team is now responsible for creating and managing new mobile apps for client’s different markets.

Ruby on Rails

Flutter mobile application development

Client is a global logistics company, operating in 40 countries across the world. In addition to their core transportation services, they are now expanding into digital financial services domain.

Snaga Solutions was chosen to create a payments application that will allow users to transfer money quickly from their accounts to other people, without having to use computer of physical bank branch.

We opted for a cross-platform framework to streamline our development efforts, maintaining a single source code for both iOS and Android. This choice not only ensures cost-efficiency but also simplifies ongoing operational and maintenance tasks.

Our team successfully designed and deployed a cross-platform app utilizing Flutter and Dart technologies. The application runs seamlessly on both iOS and Android and has garnered top ratings (5/5 stars in the Apple Store).

Currently we are committed to further app support and development. Our recent enhancements include the integration of "Recaptcha" to bolster security and safeguard the app against potential bot attacks.


Mobilizing the Sports Experience: A Case Study in Live Sports Streaming and Chat Mobile App Development

Business Challenge

The client wanted a mobile application that provides users with the ability to watch live sports matches online and engage in real-time chat discussions. The goal was to replicate the functionality and user interface of the website into iOS and Android mobile applications. Key assumptions included the availability of's web application UI assets and API access with documentation provided to the SNAGA team. The scope was well-defined, focusing on mobile application development for iOS and Android, with a particular emphasis on English and Portuguese language support.

Solution Overview

The solution involved the development of iOS and Android mobile applications that seamlessly mirrored the functionality and user interface of's website. This approach allowed for a consistent user experience across platforms. The development process followed Agile SCRUM methodology, with iterative two-week sprints and regular demos for the team to provide quick feedback. The scope encompassed clean and well-commented code, along with engineering and test documentation, including build and deployment instructions. Our UX/UI designers helped with all necessary changes. 

Technological Detail

The technical stack for this mobile application development project included iOS and Android platforms, with the added inclusion of Flutter. Leveraging the existing UI assets from's web application served as the baseline for the mobile apps. The development process adhered to Agile SCRUM methodology, featuring iterative development in two-week sprints and regular demo sessions for feedback. The application's codebase was designed to be clean and well-documented. It also included engineering and test documentation, comprising build and deployment instructions, basic test cases, and a final test report. The project focused on supporting English and Portuguese languages initially, with the potential for additional languages in the future.


Supercharge your business with Snaga Solutions

Ready to implement the optimum and cost effective solutions fit for your business goals? Contact us today and let's get things done.

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